I don't even freakin know where I've been. Just be ready for some random postingt because there is lots of "stuff" going on in my head and we've been busy over here. First, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I finally got my bling (diamond stud earrings--from my stud, LOL) and the all too elusive red purse. I have been wanting a red purse forever and will not let my mom (or myself) spend hundreds of dollars on a purse that will end up with goldfish stuck to the bottom of it. But, my mom found one at...Ross. I know! $19.99. My mom is a rockstar. Its kinda funny because she kept pointing our purses whenever we were together and I would say no cuz she has a tendency for the "grandma" purse. Then she told me she bought two and wanted to see if I liked either of them. The first was a "no way" but the second was a homerun. Then I realizd the last 3 purses I've bought were Nine West. So, I heart Nine West purses.
I took pictures of our holiday decor and I fully intend to post my pics. But I realized that I forgot to take a pic of the wreath which really is just too cute to miss, so I have to take one more pic. Luckily for me I'm so lazy that the wreath is still on the door! The other decorations are already boxed up...promise. We never use our front door unless people come over so my sister had to point out to me that my wreath and snowman were still there.
THE COLD FROM HELL. So, Ryan had a cold at the beginning of December. It lasted about a week, he ended up sleeping with us...then we had to transition him back to his bed when he was better. Y'all remember. Anyway, the cold came back the day after Christmas AND ITS STILL HERE. Oh yes, don't be jealous of our 2 week cold. You have no idea how much green snot I have had on my clothing. Snail trail :( I finally took him to the doctor today, just to make sure we hadn't crossed the border into bacterial infection. Knowing someone at your doctor's office is the best thing ever. We get in with just a phone call! Luckily Ryan did not need an RX, its just one persistent virus and we just need to let it run its really LONG course--unless he gets a fever or the cough gets worse. I have to say, the little man is such a trooper. You would not know this boy was sick if the snot was not always visible. He runs around, plays, eats, sleeps--nothing like his parents who are down and out at the slightest sniffle. We are blessed indeed!
And, we've had us some weather. I almost can't type that without laughing. Being born and raised in this town, then moving an hour north to go to college, I'm used to this weather. Its cold, we get some rain and fog, normal winter weather. When we moved to San Diego Ethan and I would laugh because if you got a drop of rain it seemed like everything shut down. Every news cast would talk about "storm watch" and we would laugh hysterically. Well, last week we actually had a storm watch here. EXTREME WEATHER. We had rain for 3 days, winds in the 50mph and gusts in the 70s. So with Ryan's cold and the weather, we've been stuck in the house FOREVER. There has been flooding, fences knocked down, power out. Ethan got his car back from the body shop (remember he killed a tree with it?) and it came home and straight under the car cover IN THE GARAGE. You know, you need double protection for this kind of weather.
I guess I'm just trying to say we're hanging in...sometimes barely, but we're here. I probably have lots more to say but Ryan is napping (yes!) and I've got some other things to do.
Ryan is getting so big I hardly recognize hime! Happy New Year!!!
Yeah photos! Sorry the little man is STILL sick but at least he's napping!!!
Yay! You're back to your blog! I can barely recognize Ryan-he is so grown up!
Hope all is well!!! :) Or should I say "Hope HE is WELL!!!"
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