Isn't that cute? That was his first time sitting with the Easter Bunny and he did such a great job. Yes, I did bribe him with french fries, but don't all moms?
I really should be taking a nap right now since my child was up every 1-2hrs screaming "sleep in mommy's room" ALL NIGHT LONG. You could sit in the bags under my eyes. But that is another story.
Ryan had a great Easter but how could he not. The easter bunny came here, and to grandma's house, and aunt lisa's house. The kid makes out like a bandit at every holiday. He is spoiled-not to mention grandma and grandpa wanted to buy him an entire swing set for easter and we said to wait until we actually bought a house and know the size of yard we'll have--and Ethan didn't want to put it together and take it down again in a few months. Totally don't blame him.
Saturday we had an egg hunt and picnic with our playgroup. The kids had a great time and Ryan follows around that chicken all day. Poor girl. (oh, i know you guys told me how to put captions under the pics but no time yet). My sister took all the pics because there is no need for me to bring my camera if she is there. We also had a professional photographer there and I will have my proofs soon. Ryan thought it was necessary to open every egg as he picked it up so it kinda took a while. Then he would scream "candy" LOL. Our family picture at the park is not flattering to me at all so ignore that.
Sunday we had my family over, and Ethan's mom. Ryan basked in all of the attention, plus got to do another egg hunt, AND had every adult handing him candy. He enjoyed all of his gifts from the Easter Bunny, especially the bubble blower. I do feel bad that I couldn't find his real easter basket that is a frog. It is so cute! Poor kid had his gifts delivered in a Walmart bag. His grandma bought him a plastic wheel barrow and put his gifts in there and he loved it. Aunt Lisa got him a t-ball set. The poor kid was on a sugar high which his parents had to pay for later. My dad and aunt did an adult egg hunt also. It was in remembrance to the "good old days" when our entire family would gather at my grandma's out on the farm (did you know I'm a little bit country?) and there would be over 50 people. We had separate egg hunts for kids and adults because the adults were agressive. Now it has dwindled down to just immediate family. We played lots of Wii, and my brother bowled a 235 which is a house record. He also kicked my butt in tennis and I believe I now have Wii tennis elbow/shoulder and I am embarassed. Then Sunday night Ryan woke up 3x before 12:30 and I was exhausted so I let him sleep with us......which is why last night SUCKED.
Ryan was up almost every hour crying for about 10 min, then would go back to sleep, only to start again. Now we are back to square one. I am proud that we didn't cave last night but it was so hard. I knew he was fine and just mad because he wasn't getting his way, but when you hear your little one specifically calling for you, you just want to make it all better.
Ryan's speech therapist re-evaluated him today and he scored 35 months!!!! So, on Oct 30 he scored 12-15m and with 4 months of therapy he is at 35. Amazing! I have said before that I'm not sure the therapy actually helped, I really think it was just him being ready at his own time, and she confirmed that to me today. She is about ready to release him from the program, and I don't want to take up a spot for a kid that really needs it. We talked about having her check on him every month or so until he turns 3, just in case anything should pop up it will keep him in the system. Now we just have to wait for the other disciplines to test him again and we are done. Eventhough he tested at age level for occupational and cognitive they still have to do an exit assessment and make sure he didn't lose ground there while he was gaining in the speech area. Plus, his "teacher" that sees him twice a month--though I was never sure exactly what the purpose was-has to do an exit eval. The only goal he hasn't met is potty training and its really hard to meet a goal when your mommy hasn't bought you the insert for the potty:(
1 comment:
I love Ryan's picture with the bunny it's to cute he is such a cute little man...Don't Stress the potty training Patrick is two months older and he still is not potty trained either....Glad he's doing so well in speech..Be Careful with that Wii last time I bowled I was sore for a week, LOL....TTYS
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