**this was written a few days ago but I was waiting for the ultrasound pic to scan, there will be a more current post soon about how my husband is driving me crazy and might not want to hire movers :(
I am not looking forward to getting on the scale at the doctor this week. I cannot say no to pumpkin pie with a lot of whipped cream. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. We had our standard family gathering complete with lots of Wii play. Apparently pregnancy has hurt my bowling skill, but my tennis has improved.
My mom and I hit the stores Friday morning around 8am. No way you were gonna see me at Kohls at 4:00. No freakin way. We went to Walmart first. I'm not a huge fan, but don't hate it as much as Liz and Judy. I like Target a gazillion times better, but if I am shopping with Ryan we have to avoid Target like the plague. Target is attached to the mall, and right outside the mall entrance is the dreaded, germ infested play area. YUCK. There is no way for him not to see it. There is a lot of kicking and screaming and it is best to avoid it. Target and Walmart both had the same things in their ads that I wanted, so we hit Walmart first because its in the same area as Bed Bath and Beyond. Plus, they had 1000 thread count sheets for $20. That was at least worth a peek.
The store was not set up well, and it was full of people which made me hot. When I'm pregnant I am a heater. They didn't have anything I wanted, or at least I couldn't find what I wanted (cupcake maker for my niece, Indiana Jones movie for Ethan, aquadoodle for Ryan's friend and those darn sheets) but my mom found some clearance pull ups for $10. Total score.
At BB&B we checked out the bathroom accessories and my mom picked up a few of the items I liked. Then I bought some decorate your own ornaments for Ryan to make for his grandparents. While standing in line I started to get light headed. Half a bagel probably wasn't enough to eat, but the heat, I'm serious, it was hot. Everyone is in coats and I just couldn' t take it anymore. I had a 3/4 length sleeve t-shirt and white tank underneath. I pulled off my tshirt thinking I was wearing my plain tank. My luck, its my "MOTHERHOOD, ITS HOT" tank. Lovely. Too bad at this point. I felt so much better and spent the rest of the morning walking around in that while everyone else was in parkas.
Then it was time for Target. Insert bells ringing and sun shining here! They store was set up very well, had a lot of their ad items at the front of the store, they had people around to help find stuff for you. I loved it. They had the aquadoodle and movie I wanted. They had some stuff my mom wanted, including some $3 and $5 movies for me.
Next I was off to Sears to get some jeans for Ethan and Old Navy to look for something I knew they didn't have, followed by a stop at Gottschalks for my mom to order Ryan's matress. I guess with her coupons, senior discount and a sale it was just as good buying it there and it was a much better quality matress than the actual matress stores. I'm not sure a 3 yr old needs that nice of a matress but whatever. My mom dropped me off and we headed to Ethan's sisters house about an hour away to have lunch with her family, his other sister, his dad and his step mom and her kids. Ryan napped for about 40 minutes. We had lunch at a philly steak place, then went to a fish hatchery to feed the fish. Ryan absolutely loved it. Then he got to play more with his cousins and we headed home. He fell asleep in the car and transfered great to the crib, but woke up 4x that night. This is getting super old super fast. I know I need to let him cry and "follow the rules" but when he starts coughing and gagging I can't take it. Plus, if he barfs who is gonna clean it up? You know it will be me so I'm trying to avoid that at 3 in the morning.
Ethan and I saw Twilight and lunch had lunch on Saturday. The movie was ok, but could never compare with the book. Some parts were so cheesy. Ethan hasn't read the books and he liked it, though he said it was "shmoopy." I guess I am bias.
And here is baby Skywalker. Luke happens to be a name in the running, though nothing is close to being settled. Ethan is ecstatic. I like it, but I also like others. I have accepted that if we named the baby Lucas he would only call him Luke so fine, its a possibility as it is. There are issues with it being a hard "k" sound. I think that requires a certain type of middle name, probably longer and can't end in an "r" because our last name ends in "r" and that makes the flow all wrong. That could just be me. Anyway, I started calling him baby Skywalker and it stuck.
My mom and I hit the stores Friday morning around 8am. No way you were gonna see me at Kohls at 4:00. No freakin way. We went to Walmart first. I'm not a huge fan, but don't hate it as much as Liz and Judy. I like Target a gazillion times better, but if I am shopping with Ryan we have to avoid Target like the plague. Target is attached to the mall, and right outside the mall entrance is the dreaded, germ infested play area. YUCK. There is no way for him not to see it. There is a lot of kicking and screaming and it is best to avoid it. Target and Walmart both had the same things in their ads that I wanted, so we hit Walmart first because its in the same area as Bed Bath and Beyond. Plus, they had 1000 thread count sheets for $20. That was at least worth a peek.
The store was not set up well, and it was full of people which made me hot. When I'm pregnant I am a heater. They didn't have anything I wanted, or at least I couldn't find what I wanted (cupcake maker for my niece, Indiana Jones movie for Ethan, aquadoodle for Ryan's friend and those darn sheets) but my mom found some clearance pull ups for $10. Total score.
At BB&B we checked out the bathroom accessories and my mom picked up a few of the items I liked. Then I bought some decorate your own ornaments for Ryan to make for his grandparents. While standing in line I started to get light headed. Half a bagel probably wasn't enough to eat, but the heat, I'm serious, it was hot. Everyone is in coats and I just couldn' t take it anymore. I had a 3/4 length sleeve t-shirt and white tank underneath. I pulled off my tshirt thinking I was wearing my plain tank. My luck, its my "MOTHERHOOD, ITS HOT" tank. Lovely. Too bad at this point. I felt so much better and spent the rest of the morning walking around in that while everyone else was in parkas.
Then it was time for Target. Insert bells ringing and sun shining here! They store was set up very well, had a lot of their ad items at the front of the store, they had people around to help find stuff for you. I loved it. They had the aquadoodle and movie I wanted. They had some stuff my mom wanted, including some $3 and $5 movies for me.
Next I was off to Sears to get some jeans for Ethan and Old Navy to look for something I knew they didn't have, followed by a stop at Gottschalks for my mom to order Ryan's matress. I guess with her coupons, senior discount and a sale it was just as good buying it there and it was a much better quality matress than the actual matress stores. I'm not sure a 3 yr old needs that nice of a matress but whatever. My mom dropped me off and we headed to Ethan's sisters house about an hour away to have lunch with her family, his other sister, his dad and his step mom and her kids. Ryan napped for about 40 minutes. We had lunch at a philly steak place, then went to a fish hatchery to feed the fish. Ryan absolutely loved it. Then he got to play more with his cousins and we headed home. He fell asleep in the car and transfered great to the crib, but woke up 4x that night. This is getting super old super fast. I know I need to let him cry and "follow the rules" but when he starts coughing and gagging I can't take it. Plus, if he barfs who is gonna clean it up? You know it will be me so I'm trying to avoid that at 3 in the morning.
Ethan and I saw Twilight and lunch had lunch on Saturday. The movie was ok, but could never compare with the book. Some parts were so cheesy. Ethan hasn't read the books and he liked it, though he said it was "shmoopy." I guess I am bias.
And here is baby Skywalker. Luke happens to be a name in the running, though nothing is close to being settled. Ethan is ecstatic. I like it, but I also like others. I have accepted that if we named the baby Lucas he would only call him Luke so fine, its a possibility as it is. There are issues with it being a hard "k" sound. I think that requires a certain type of middle name, probably longer and can't end in an "r" because our last name ends in "r" and that makes the flow all wrong. That could just be me. Anyway, I started calling him baby Skywalker and it stuck.
So, get this, when I gave birth to Lucas & Tom held him for the first time, he looked straight at him and said "Luke, I am your father". The nurses laughed but I bet they all thought he was the biggest dork! LMAO! I will NEVER forget it. We love our little Luke...and Isabel calls him Lukey a lot! :)
So, yea, thats a great name! LOL. By the way, we did Lucas James...so there are middle names that work. I think Lucas goes with a lot.
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