Thursday, March 5, 2009

Let's have a shower

Once we found out we were having another boy I made it clear to my friends and family that I did not want a baby shower. Not because I am an ungrateful wench, but because we kept everything. EVERYTHING. Ethan, the person who wants to throw everything away, made me keep all things baby. He said he knew we would have another, no matter what I had been saying. So fine, score 1 for him. Yes, we have a swing, and a portable swing, and a bouncer, and a jumperoo, and 2 bath tubs, 1 bath ring, a boppy, bottles, the thing that cleans the bottles w/ steam in the microwave, a bjorn, 2 other sling type things, 1 in fant carseat and 2 bases, matching stroller...we have it all. Still. And ofcourse, almost every single outfit Ryan ever wore. The clothes and blankets are in great condition so really, I didn't need anything. At this time in our economy it just didn't seem necessary to have a shower. The only things I've bought are a new crib set, some new nipples and pacifiers, and some breast pads--and some clothes on clearance from Target but those don't count. Baby cannot be expected to wear all hand me downs.

One of my very good friends from playgroup really wanted to give me a shower and she suggested a "bring a bag of diapers" shower. Another friend told me she had one of those and her son is 9m old and she hasn't bought diapers yet! I mentioned it to Ethan and he was all for it, and also added "can they buy wipes too?" Gotta love him. He also suggested they bring formula but since I don't know if I'll need any, or what kind, that was a no. Ethan is just remembering that Ryan's formula was $25 a can and we spent about $100 a month on it. Yep. But it was worth it for my sanity at the time.

So, the shower is scheduled for a week before my due date. I am laughing now because you just never know what is going to happen. With Ryan I had a shower 2 months early "just in case." We had no idea it could have been 2 weeks late and not mattered at all. I am grateful and lucky to have such great friends and I just couldn't tell them no anymore since they really wanted to do it but I still feel weird about it.


Judy said...

That's sweet-the diaper shower. I am a big fan of throwing showers and I think that's the best way to honor the second baby of the same sex (and Momma).

Personally, I have always thought it poor etiquette to have a shower for a second, third, fourth, and beyond child. I think it's tacky and I never liked it when people did it. If you have had a child within 4 years of each other, I don't find it necessary unless you sold/got rid of everything.

I do, however, LOVE the idea of the diaper shower. I think it's fantastic and a perfect way to celebrate and help out the family. =)

They keep asking to throw us a shower here too. Since we moved when I was 5 months preggers with Molls, I didn't have a shower (per se), instead and internet onslaught of gifts that came. I'm totally with you on the diaper thing. I wish we could tell ahead of time about nursing and how it'll be with the second because you're right, formula was EXPENSIVE!

Good luck and I'm sure it'll be great. 9 months of diapers? THat's some kind of amazing, btw. Oh, and sorry this is the longest comment ever.

Mommy3 said...

I hope you enjoy your shower! I had a shower the second time around too but actually got some things, mostly clothes as I told everyone that I HAD all the big items in gender neutral colors, but obviously we needed clothes as Isabel had an explosion of pink and purple her first year of life. I think its special to celebrate every baby in some way...I've even heard of people having "sprinkles"...the gifts don't matter, it's all about celebrating the new life and a new family member!