Friday, March 7, 2008


I am almost cured. I tried a different cold medication last night and dropped on the couch after we put Ryan to bed. Ofcourse we went online to see who got kicked off American Idol--no need to spend an entire hour watching THAT nonsense. Then, Ethan started Guitar Hero. If you don't have a Wii then you have no idea. But if you do....yes, he is obsessed. I found myself drifting to sleep and realizing I could breathe through my nose. Bliss. I awoke an hr later to what I thought was Ethan saying "mommy." Odd, so I interrupted his important guitar jam and said what is that? It was Ryan on the monitor saying "mommy" over and over again. He wasnt crying but it was so strange. He has never done that. I was still in a daze over my new found breathing and partly asleep but I decided to go upstairs and pop my head in and tell him to go to sleep. I occasionally have to do this at nap time and surprisingly he will lay right down and go to sleep. No such luck at night time.

When I opened the door I was shocked to see that he was laying down, blankets on...not what I expected. Ofcourse the bright light from the hall immediately had him standing up and then the crying started. It was like I was frozen. I"m just gonna blame it on the meds cuz I should have just turned around and walked away. But I didn't. I said he could sleep with me, mostly because I was so tired but wanted to take advantage of my new found nose breathing in case it went away. At that point I would have let him sleep with me for a month just to breathe again. Did I mention I hate being sick?

So I put him in our bed and got myself ready. Then Ethan comes and I hear Hi Daddy. We both get in bed. I lecture him that its nite nite time, he must go to sleep, no talking. It usually takes him about 20 min in this situation to fall asleep. More than an hr later he was standing up, getting ready to jump. I had warned him so many times but didn't have the energy to get up and actually remove him. Finally around 11:00 Ethan gave his one warning. Daddy means business. About 10 seconds later he was gone. Surprisingly he cried for about 5 min and was asleep. Then around 4:00 I hear "daddy" over and over and over again. For about 30 min. Whose child is this? We left him and he went back to sleep and woke up around 5:45 when Ethan got in the shower. I put him in our bed and ignored him. He was asleep in about 5 min then at 6:45 as Ethan is getting ready to go downstairs he immediately wakes up and says "hey dad."

Then there is a discussion about how Ryan is "no tired" because " i awake." But "mommy tired". YEP.


Liz said...

congratulations on breathing again - it's amazing how soon we forget how wonderful it is not to wake up in the middle of the night gagging and choking with a bone-dry mouth!!! and ohhhhh my gossshhhh you must be so frustrated with the sleeping thing! i hope it settles down for you!

Judy said...

Hope it gets better soon-it's never fun or easy when mommy's sick and the toddler won't cooperate sleeping! Good luck!

Our Family of Four said...

Good thing he is SO DARN CUTE! They know it too - so hard to be bad at such sweet little faces.

Sorry the matching fridge argument didn't work. Maybe you should remind him how nice you were when he introduced his car to the tree?

Our Family of Four said...

Hey... what happened to Dad said, Mom said? It was VERY funny and, of course, true to life!

McCoyFamily said...

Boys are so much fun...Glad your feeling better Hope you get some sleep soon...