Sunday, December 28, 2008

We survived!

It has been such a busy few weeks for us, so I was a bit amazed we survied all the holiday mayhem. Ethan's birthday was the 24th (I know). Then we had my entire family over on Christmas Day, Ethan's family on the 26th, went to Ethan's dad side of the family on the 27th, and to a hockey game today as part of Ethan's "12 dates of Christmas." Plus, my child took a 15 min nap in the car on the way to Ethan's dads house...but he fell asleep on the way home around 6:15 and because I bring pjs in just this type of situation it was all good. Well, except that he fell out of his bed for the first time last night, but other than that little hiccup he slept 12 hrs. SCORE. FYI: he has a bunk bed where the bottom bunk sticks out under the top bunk (he doesn't even know you can sleep on the top and has never seen the ladder thank you very much) and there are built in shelves/desk on each side, connected to the top so there is no room for even a bedrail. Do not ask me how he fell. I have solved the issue with a pillow. The $40 bed rail is somewhere in this house and I need to return it.

Ryan had a great Christmas as usual. I'm sure there will be pictures at some point. Why is downloading such an issue for me? Anyway, he slept in til 7:30 which is HUGE, then really wasn't interested in going downstairs but Ethan and I were ready so we convinced him. Santa got him a great new fishing game, some books, and new cooking things. He loves the Melissa and Doug pizza and a stacking hamburger game. The walkie talkies were a big hit, except he doesn't understand how to use them and then when the "grown ups" tried to use them they didn't work so they are going back. One of his major favs was bubbles for the bath, and 2 match box cars. This kid is so easy! Wall-E was exciting, but then he forgot about it so we haven't even watched it yet.

My family spoiled him. The super cool red remote control corvette is still popular around here, along with the slot cars. Poor Ryan wasn't allowed to play with them because daddy and uncle were playing with them. Ryan also got some "big brother" stuff, and a digital camera. The quality seems kinda yucky, but he loves it. My sister found this awesome fire truck that opens up into a little city and that gets a coveted spot on the couch. My sister in law is very creative. A few months ago she asked for family pictures of Ryan so I have been e-mailing her. She laminated them and turned them into a memory game.

Ethan is enjoying his new Wii games and the Wii fit. I will not play the fit because it tells you your thanks. It told Ethan he was obese (not even close) and that he was 38...he just turned 34 so that made him sad. Mr. Wii fit also said he had balance issues and asked if he fell down a lot, LOL. So, there is no way in hell I'll be getting on that thing until I've been on weight watchers for at least a year, had some lypo, and probably a boob reduction :) I jumped on the creative bandwagon and created a "12 dates of Christmas" for Ethan. He is super easy to buy for and wants a lot of stuff, except everything he wants is pricy. And then he tells me not to buy it. I know he wants a new computer, and hopefully that will happen soon. In the meantime, I put together 12 things for us to do together and I hope we can get it done before baby gets here. I found a car show nearby that I thought he would enjoy, but also added some things in there I would like too. So, we have a date to go to Build a Bear because we did that when I was pregnant with Ryan. I also wanted to go to a pottery place and make something for each of the boys rooms. Ofcourse there is dinner, movies, the hockey game we went to today, stuff like that.

I am super excited about the new comforter set for our room and all the new towels. I love soft towels. Ours are 9 yrs old! I should be commended that I still have towels that were wedding gifts. But they have been fraying for a while now and the new ones are yummy. My mom got me new bath mats and accessories as well. A massage is in my future and I cannot wait. My sister got me an awesome wallet and did I mention the amount of books I'll be able to get at Barnes & Noble? I'm a nerd, I like to read. A lot.

Now it is time to take down the tree and unpack more boxes. I like to extend Christmas and leave the house looking like a whirlwind hit it, but Ethan already moved everything to where its supposed to go. I like having my pile of gifts to look at. Oh well. Someone should take down the tree and the other decor. Oh, and write the New Years letter to send with our New Years cards that goes something like "hey we moved."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bye bye Laura Ingall

At last, we have internet! That was a long 10 days. I would also like to admit for all my Little House on the Prairie jokes I have never seen an entire episode. It just wasn't my kind of show.

Today I dropped Ryan off with my dad and did a 2 hr marathon shopping run and finished all my Christmas/Ethan birthday shopping. After he wakes up from his nap I'll take him back to grandpa so I can turn in our keys from the rental house, go to the cable place (again) to turn in our old box and hopefully get a newer model for this house--one that is compatible with Tivo. Then its off to the grocery store to get whatever we need for Christmas dinner with my family and the day after because Ethan's family is coming here and I'm making lasagna.

I haven't wrapped any presents...Ethan's birthday is tomorrow....i'm pregnant and tired. My sciatica is yucky and i'm getting charlie horses that wake me up in the middle of the night. Nothing quite like a limping pregnant lady :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cleaning day

Again I am back at the old house for a day of cleaning. FUN. Ethan is taking care of the carpets, I have cleaned all the toilets/counters, and my sister is on the way to do the oven and bath tubs for me. Its 53 degrees in here and my hands are like ice. Other than that, we are good. We aren't scheduled to be out til the 31st so it will be nice to be done early.

On other fronts, we still have no TV or internet. You would not believe the run around I've gotten. After getting different explainations from the 800 customer service line and having another installer show up for an "appointment" to install only to discover we had no lines (duh) I had enough and went to the office to talk to an actual person--yes I did.

Person #1 was not helpful, just confirmed what the technician had told me Friday morning (the one that showed up for an appt no one seems to have scheduled) that we were scheduled for a construction crew to come the 24th--which was unacceptable. Then she informed me it would probably be another week before they would do the install and NO we could not schedule an install now thank you very much. As we were talking another lady asked for our info and got on the phone. As I walked out she called me back in.

Person #2 was awesome. She had a supervisor on the phone, told him my story, and told him I wasn't being rude or anything I was just trying to find out what was going on because I keep getting different stories (pending due to weather, have to shut off power to the whole street, blah blah blah). Then I also mentioned again that I would appreciate if they stopped sending technicians to my house. When she told the supervisor that another tech had showed up and no one knows why it was scheduled, nothing showed up on the computer so I mentioned that was a safety issue--they need to know where their techs are.

Then, almost like a Christmas miracle I got a call from the supervisor on Saturday saying he came out to the house personally and everything was ready, and that I have an install appt Monday. Yeah! What I don't quite understand is how he came out (saw him out the window and it was about 30 min) and fixed the problem without construction. I was told a line had to be run under the street from the main cable box to our house...maybe the first tech was wrong. Who knows. I just know we're back in business tomorrow and I can't wait! We did miss lots of shows because however Ethan left the Tivo/cable box here it didn't work. Sad. He missed ultimate fighter, poor guy.

As for Ryan, he still does not get out of bed, just calls for me around 11:30 and again around 4. I know it could be worse so I am dealing. Last night we were out of town at a Christmas party with my college friends and he fell asleep in the car around 9 and it was the first night he slept all night! We set up another night light with timer and he calls it his special light. I think its set around 6:00 (we need to push it back now that we know it works!) so he knows he is allowed to to get up if the light is on. Such a fantastic idea--thanks to my friend Jenn for that. She has used it with her two oldest girls. Soon we'll get him a clock but for right now the timer is totally working and we're rocking it.

I can't wait to catch up on everyone's blogs! This week I'll be working on making my downstairs presentable for company since we are hosting Christmas for my family, then Ethan's the next day. I believe all boxes are out from downstairs...upstairs is just another issue all together!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Disaster or not?

We are moved! I can't believe it only took 2 days. The movers took all the big stuff Friday, along with my dad's truck and Ethan's truck full of stuff. Saturday Ethan's dad came with a truck and trailer, plus his sister's truck and my dad's again and we're in. I'm actually standing at the island of the old house right now, its 50 degrees in here, but I HAD to check my e-mail. We still do not have cable/internet at the house. I will check with them tomorrow and see what that is about. Good thing I haven't missed a new episode of The Office. Our Tivo is still here, hopefully recording what it is should. Life without tv/internet is interesting. Its not like we have nothing to do...but you can only unpack for so long. Ethan is forcing Star Wars on me again and I fell asleep 2 nights in a row during Return of the Jedi. Hopefully we'll get the Wii plugged in today so we have something else to do at night because I'm not sure how much more Star Wars I can take.

Ryan was super excited when he saw his bed Friday afternoon. He actually napped at the old house in his crib because everything was already out of his room. My brother brought him over and he loved it. Bed time routine went fine, though it was later than it should have been which always makes him wake in the night. He slept for 2 hrs, then called for me. I just couldn't leave him alone the first night in a new house and a new bed. He never cried, just wanted to make sure we were there. Then he slept for 2 more hrs, then one hour, then 20 minutes. After the 5th or 6th time of getting up I told Ethan it was his turn. This was around 2:30. Then Ethan never came back. Ryan conned his daddy into sleeping with him. Needless to say yesterday we all were exhausted. Ryan took an early nap that he desperately needed (in his bed) with no problems. Last night we had him in bed, stories done at 8:00. He slept til 12, needed some reassurance, then slept again til 4...but was AWAKE at 5. Much better. Maybe I was expecting too much? What I can't get over is that he never got out of the bed, not once. It seems comical to me.

Well, its 11:30 and I should head back to the new house and see if my boys want some lunch. A shower would be nice too :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008


We finally closed on the house today. Luckily the sellers were kind enough to give us keys and let us start doing what we needed to do, or we wouldn't have been able to start until today. With everything that happened last week with the late disclosure it seems like it took forever. Then our lender decided to charge us $200 for not closing on time. We busted our butts to get there and sign documents, but turns out the sellers signed late in the day...blah blah blah. Our lender wouldn't fund and let title hold onto the money so they didn't fund til yesterday and we recorded today. Ethan let them know he wasn't impressed with that at all but its over so yeah! Now I can put the utilities in our name.

We've taken several loads of boxes over and most of my kitchen stuff is unpacked thanks to my mom. I had the carpets cleaned today and the cable guy came but our house had not been wired for cable. Apparently the builder didn't run the line because the homeowners said they were going to get satellite. Now they have to have a crew come out and run the line from the main box across the street to our house. Sounded like a major job but it doesn't cost us anything. I also got a tip from the guy about requesting a newer cable box so we won't have issues with the Tivo. Half the time it changes to channel 5 instead of 55, etc.

The movers come tomorrow between 9-11 to move all the furniture. We've got a lot to do tonight to clear the way for them and we should be sleeping at the new house tomorrow night. That will be Ryan's first night in his big boy bed. Probably not the best idea since he most likely won't get a nap and will be super cranky but we are not setting up the crib. I'm taking the bolts off and sending it in for the recall so he just needs to deal. We're still having sleep issues with him and I'm not sure what to do. A big part of the sleep program we used was letting him cry it out, which we can't really do with his asthma. Crying just starts a coughing fit. Cross your fingers that he adjusts well and loves his new bed. He hasn't even seen it yet. I'm hoping to have everything set up before he sees it. I got him a race car night light that I think he will love. It just seems like such a big deal, another milestone away from him not being a baby which I know he's not cuz he is 3 but still. I keep being reminded how big he is getting and it doesn't make me sad, I just realize it really doesn't last long. When you are in the thick of it and up all night and exhausted it seems like it will go on forever and then BAM they are 3 and pedaling a tricycle!

Monday, December 8, 2008


After all the drama, I got the keys to the house Friday evening. I took pictures this weekend but then my batteries died so that will have to wait. Friday was also the day I took Ryan to the doctor because he had the non-stop cough again, just like Halloween and I had a bad feeling about it. His ped didn't know we went to urgent care on Halloween, but we had been in the office in September for the same thing....3 months, 3 bouts of either bronchitis or a cold w/ asthmatic episodes. He oficially said he has asthma and we are no long in the "pre" stage. He should not be wheezing or coughing like that with a normal cold virus. Not sure if it was bronchitis or not but because the antibiotics worked last time, we got a super 3 day dose. We still have the liquid albuterol but it takes too long to work, like I used it Friday night because I didn't want to walk downstairs for the other inhaler and we were up for 2 hrs. One of those hours was spent wrestling with daddy in our bed. We have an inhaler for when he coughs and he is also supposed to start a preventative inhaler daily for a year. Ethan and I are researching to see if we want to start off that drastically or maybe do an every other day. We'll see. I'm going to find out about seeing an asthma specialist as well, just for peace of mind. The sleep has been CRAP over here, and though he is better, the inhaler seems to keep him up or not let him fall back asleep so he was in our bed AGAIN last night. He cries, he coughs, the wheezing starts.

We finally signed our moving papers last night and are scheduled for this Friday. Woo hoo. Then we accidentally booked the carpet cleaner and the cable guy at the same time. It was such a pain to get the cable scheduled that we are just gonna leave it alone. The carpet guy was such a great deal I don't want to mess with it either. Turns out I can't put the utilities in our name until the house closes because they want proof I own the house. Do people go around pretending to be other people and turning their utilities on and off? We should close today or tomorrow so I can do that, along with changing the locks.

I didn't want to change the locks until everything was oficially recorded with the county but also because the homeowner has few things to do. We are finding out more of the situation. Turns out the husband didn't really help much with the sale or move. The wife moved out a while ago and she has been doing this all herself, eventhough he kept living in the house. One of the things he left her to deal with was a bunch of oil in the storage. She found a company to remove it, they came and tested it, and because he mixed oil with other things they are charging her a ton to come remove it. She is also getting two windows fixed for us because of all the drama with the lawsuit against the builder. I'm giving her every opportunity to follow through on what she said she would do. Her marriage is ending, they had a business that closed due to the economy, not a happy situation. We also knew a faucet in the master was broken. Ethan spent the entire weekend trying to install a new faucet, it was broken, then realized the brand new sink they put in but didn't ever caulk or use had a leak. We ended up buying a new sink and faucet and we're trying to find out if she kept the receipt or something so we can get a credit. It really took Ethan all weekend. Just shows you how important those separate sinks are!

My dad painted Ryan's room. We realized in better light that the room had two shades of lavender. What we didn't realize was that the ceiling was also the light lavender. Oops. Surprise dad! Ethan went ahead and painted the ceiling so my dad wouldn't have to.

Just a lot of stuff, but I know it will be great when we are finally in. Baby update: the new nurse at the office tried to say i gained 10 lbs in a month. no f'ing way. i'lll say 5 or 6, but not 10. she definately took a long time trying to read the scale so i'm just gonna blame her. I got thrown the circumcision question as soon as my doctor found out it was a boy. That is so much pressure and I wasn't ready to deal with it yet, but because I'm having the baby in another city our ped doesn't go there so we'll have the on call ped so we would have to arrange for the circ separately, if our insurance even covers it. I just don't want to think about it. Let's see, next appt I get to do the dreaded drink the sugary drink yucky stuff which I failed with Ryan, and get my rhogam shot. Super fun.

As a tease, I took some photos at 22 wks in the same clothes I had with Ryan...they will be uploaded soon.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


No, this post isn't even about Ethan changing his mind every day about the movers. It's not. Because I have told him he is not allowed to talk to me about movers again until he simply says YES or NO and then cannot change his mind after that. He is turning into his mother. The indecisiveness (bad spelling) is really getting to me!

We had a call from our realtor yesterday (2 days before we are supposed to close) saying the seller had just told her (they are neighbors) that they are getting a settlement as part of a lawsuit againt the builder. Its one of those class action types, common in newer homes. Our realtor never participated in the suit because she didn't have any problems with her home. According to the sellers they didn't have any problems either but joined "just in case." So, this should have been disclosed to us during the disclosure process weeks ago.

The problem is that when they sign the settlement agreement they could possibly be signing away our rights as "successors or assignees" to the home warranty. The home has 2 yrs left on a 10 yr warranty. Not to mention, what kind of damage are the home owners complaining about? Is this minor or MAJOR. We don't think it is a deal breaker per se, but it is a delay. Then we find out if we don't close tomorrow our lender is going to charge $450 a week to hold our loan. The attorneys for the homeowners said to get the documents from the county which will take days/weeks. I have the attorney I worked for in the loop guiding me which is great. I was even able to get online and get the case # and some info within about 5 min of hearing about it.

My attorney thinks they are doing this on purpose and were hoping we would just let it slide. I'm not sure if that is the case but if they were going to go ahead and let us close tomorrow, they would be signing a settlement agreement and they were no longer the home owners. Didn't they think of that? Didn't it bother them that they were going to get money to fix something that could potentially go wrong in their home, if it hadn't gone wrong already, but not own the house anymore and leave us with this potential problem?


We got late breaking news last night and we closed this morning! We were able to get information from the attorneys about the problems some homeowners in the subdivision were complaining about. They were very minor. We trust our home inspector so all is good. We are getting the keys in a few hrs so i'll have pics.