Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm making play doh

Ofcourse I could have bought it, but this is going to be better. I hope. Ryan's play group halloween party is tomorrow and since everyone else was bringing food, I thought I would make orange play doh. We are also supposed to be having a play doh party soon, so at least the kids will have some play doh to bring. I found some generic Glad containers with orange lids at the $1 store and cookie cutters. I've made 2 batches and have one more to go. It's so soft!

What else? I'm planning for the 2 parties, but not actually doing anything. Its all in my head. And I have lists. But I'm waiting for RSVP's so I can do the goodie bags and they aren't due til the 1st.

Monday I went to the doctor because I was having shortness of breath and it felt like someone was sitting on my chest. It had been going on for a few days on and off but Monday it was constant so I called and got an appt. He had me do some breathing tests and they call came out normal. He checked my legs to make sure I didn't have a blood clot. My heart sounded good so he gave me an inhaler and said either some allergens were bothering me or I was coming down with something and that was the first symptom. FUN. The inhaler didn't do anything. Ethan has asthma and is an inhaler expert and he said if it didn't work within seconds that it wasn't going to help. I started feeling better on Tuesday. I bet the doc thinks I"m a hypochondriac. But I'm not. I just didn't want to be that weird news story about the 32 yr old that dies of a heart attack. You know. I've got a kid that needs his mommy :)

Let's see....oh, today I jogged. Please, get up off the floor. I cannot tell you how far because I used landmarks. Scientific, I know. This is the part of me that drives Ethan crazy. I am terrible with measurements. (BTW: he says "maysure" and it drives me crazy." I jogged from the dog poop container to the fire hydrant. Then from a cross walk to another poop container. Honestly, if you told me to put my hands 5 feet apart I would probably do 1...or 15. I just don't have that skill. My spatial skills are non-existent. I also cannot put things together, especially if the directions have pictures. Don't judge.

BTW: Jogging with a regular stroller sucks.

So, play group halloween party tomorrow. Tuesday is Ryan's speech/language evaluation with Early Start. I am happy to say that since we called in August when he had ZERO words he now has about 20. Its amazing. I'm still keeping the appointment because there probably is still some sort of delay, but hopefully it will just fix itself in time and he won't need therapy. But if he does, I'm ok with it. Thursday is his week from today!


Liz said...

You are a megastud for jogging with a regular stroller.

I stink at distances, too. Actually, KNOWING the distance is kind of depressing because you know how far you have left. =) I like to go by playlist. When it's over, so am I.

And the play-doh! You're rocking the house.

I'm looking forward to some b-day photos!

McCoyFamily said...

You are so crafty homemade play-doh!